Selasa, 22 Mei 2012

READING: Abortion


Abortion is the spontaneous or induced loss of products of conception before the occurrence of fetal viability, measured as a gestational age of less than 20 weeks or a fetal weight of 500 g or less. Abortions that occur before 21st week of gestation are termed early or first-trimester abortions; those occur between the 12th and 20th week are termed late or second-trimester abortions. This distinction is necessary because anatomic and physiologic changes in the later weeks of gestation make treatment more difficult. Spontaneous abortions are classified as threatened, inevitable, missed, incomplete, complete, habitual, and septic. Septic abortion is most commonly associated with self-induced instrumentation. Complications include hemorrhage, septic or endotoxic shock, acute renal failure, and death.
First-trimester abortions are associated with embryonic, fetal, or placental abnormalities caused by congenital or genetic defects and by alterations in the intrauterine environment due to endocrine imbalance or exposure to teratogens.
Second-trimester abortions are primarily associated with maternal problems, such as infection, endocrine dysfunction, severe malnutrition, drug ingestion (including alcohol or tobacco), manipulation or abnormalities of the reproductive viscera and possibly, Rh iso-immunization and blood group incompatibility between the parents. The role physical and emotional trauma is suspect.

                         Source: (Maternal-Infant Care by Melson, 1999)

A.    List of Vocabulary
1.      Abortion                : keguguran
2.      Occurrence            : kejadian
3.      Fetal                      : janin
4.      Viability                : kelangsungan hidup
5.      Gestation               : waktu selama hamil/kehamilan
6.      Distinction              : perbedaan
7.      Septic                    : infeksi
8.      Hemorrhage          : pendarahan
9.      Failure                   : kegagalan, kerusakan, gangguan
10.  Renal                     : ginjal
11.  Congenital             : bawaan/ di bawa lahir
12.  Defect                   : kerusakan
13.  Dysfunction          : gangguan fungs ginjal
B.     Answer the question below!
1.      What is abortion?
2.      When did abortion occur?
3.      What is the topic of the text?
4.      What caused of placenta abnormalities in the first-trimester?
5.      Mention of maternal problems in the second-trimester
A.    Choose the best answer below based on the teaxt!
1.      What is the main idea of the first paragraph?
A.    Septic
B.     Hemorrhage
C.     Abortion
D.    Gestational
2.      When did abortion occur?
A.    20st weeks
B.     21st  weeks
C.     After 21st weeks
D.    Before 21st weeks
3.      Spontaneous abortion are classified as …. Except
A.    Inevitable
B.     Incomplete
C.     Abortion
D.    Septic
4.      Such as infection, endocrine, dysfunction, severe malnutrition, drug ingestion, are relation with ….
A.    First—trimester abortions
B.     Second-trimester abortions
C.     Manipulation
D.    Abortion
5.      Septic abortion is most commonly with ….
Complete the sentence above based on the text!
A.    Placental abnormalities
B.     Self-induced instrumentation
C.     Maternal problems
D.    Embryonic

B.     Part of Speech: Adjective and Adverbs
v  Adjective
Adjective fall into two categories: descriptive and limiting. Descriptive adjective are those which describe the color, size, or quality of a person or thing (noun or pronoun). Limiting adjectives place restrictions on the words they modify (quantity, distance, possession, etc).
Note: only these and those are plural forms. All others remain the same whether the noun is singular or plural.  

Cardinal numbers (one, two, etcor)
Ordinal numbers (first, second)
Possessive (my, your, his)
Demonstrative (this, these, that, those)
Quantity (few, many, much)
Articles (a, an, the)

When descriptive adjectives modify a singular countable noun, they are usually preceded by a, an, the.
For example:
A pretty girl, an interesting story, the red dress

v  Adverbs
Adverbs modify verb (except linking verbs), adjectives, or other adverbs. Many descriptive adjectives can be changed to adverbs adding –ly to the adjective base.


Note: the following words are also adverbs: so, very, almost, often, fast, rather, well, there, too.

v  Exercise
Adjective and Adverbs
Choose the correct form in parenthesis!
1.      Ami plays the violin (good/well).
2.      That is an (intense/intensely) novel.
3.      The sun is shining (bright/brightly).
4.      The girls speak (fluent/fluently) French.
5.      The boys speak Spanish (fluent/fluently).
6.      The table has a (smooth/smoothly) surface.
7.      We must figure our income tax returns (accurate/accurately).
8.      We don’t like to drink (bitter/bitterly tea.)
9.      The plane will arrive (soon/soonly)
10.  He had an accident because he was driving too (fast/fastly)

C.    Find adjective and adverbs based on the dialog!

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