Selasa, 29 Mei 2012

READING: Caesarean Section Birth


Caesarean section birth, the fetus is delivered through incision made into the abdominal and uterine walls. This produce is indicated for any condition that jeopardizes maternal of fetal health and for which postponed of delivery or vaginal birth itself would compromise the patient’s safety. Indications for cesarean section include but are not limited to the following:
Non reassurance fetal heart rate (FHR) pattern (fetal distress); previous cesarean section; dystopia, cephalopelvic, disproportion, abruptioplacentaes, plcentaprevia, prolapsed umbilical cord, preeclampsia or eclampsia, insulin dependent diabetes mellitus, spinal or pelvic fractures, pelvic tumors, gonorrhea, and genital herpes.

Caesarean section may be an emergency procedure or anticipated. If it is anticipated, the parents have greater attitude about and can receive comprehensive preoperative teaching. This plan of care includes physical findings associated with fetal distress, types and implications of caesarean section procedures and postpartum considerations specific to cesarean section patients. Review of the normal postpartum experience is essential.
Source: (Maternal-Infant Care Planning by Melson, 1999)

A.    List of vocabularies;
*      Caesarean              : pembedahan perut
*      Fetus                      : janin
*      Uterine wall           : dinding rahim
*      Maternal                : ibu hamil
*      Jeopardizes            : membahayakan
*      Postpone                : menunda
*      Disproportion        : ketidakseimbangan
*      Spinal                    : tulang belakang
*      Pelvic                     : bagian panggul
*      Fracture                 : retak/patah
*      Gonorrhea             : kencing nanah
B.     Choose the best answer based on the text!
1.      What is the main idea for the first paragraph?
A.    Caesarean section birth
B.     Indications for caesarean section
C.     Jeopardizes maternal
D.    Postpone of delivery or vaginal birth
2.      The previous cesarean section are… except
A.    Dystopia
B.     Disproportion
C.     Fetus
D.    preeclampsia 
3.      The fetus is delivered through incision made into the … and … walls.
Choose the best word below to complete the sentence above!
A.    Abdominal and maternal
B.     Abdominal and uterine
C.     Abdominal and fetus
D.    Maternal and uterine
4.      What is the main idea of the second paragraph!
A.    Genital herpes
B.     Prolapsed umbilical cord
C.     Cesarean
D.    Non reassurance fetal heart rate pattern
5.      Spinal or pelvic fractures, pelvic tumors, gonorrhea, and genital herpes.
The underlined word “spinal” has similar meaning with ….
A.    Pelvic
B.     Shoulder
C.     Back
D.    chest
C.    There is / there are
There is
There was                          + singular subject …(or count-nount)
There has been                    

There are
There were                         + plural subject …
There have been

For example;
*      There is a book on the table
Singular        singular
*      There was an accident last night.
    Singular                 singular
*      There has been an increase in the importation of foreign cars
             Singular           singular
*      There were too many people at the market
          Pural                      plural

                        Choose the correct form (there is, was, has been, are, were, have been)
                        In the following sentences.
1.      There (has/have) been to many interruption in the class.
2.      There (is/was) a party yesterday.
3.      There (was/were) some people at the meeting last night.
4.      Your glasses (was/were) on the bureau last night
5.      There (is/was) water on the floor where he fell
D.    Find the singular or plural subject based on the text!

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