Selasa, 22 Mei 2012

READING: Prenatals

Prenatal visits may take place at the midwife's home or clinic or at the family's home. The latter is especially comforting for the family, as they are in their own surroundings and may be less hesitant to ask questions and get involved. Prenatal visits are also a time for the midwife to get to know the family and friends, neighbors or other children who plan to be present at the birth. Midwives invite family members to ask questions and listen to the baby's heartbeat. Intimate involvement of the family throughout the pregnancy allows for early bonding of the newly emerging family unit.
The midwife first interviews the pregnant woman to determine whether a high-risk situation exists. Homebirth may not be a viable option for everyone. A high-risk woman has certain medical conditions or special needs. She may have diabetes or blood disorders. Women having a VBAC and women carrying a baby in breech position or twins have slightly increased risks but need not necessarily be ruled out for a homebirth.
If the midwife and family determine that a high-risk situation exists or may develop, they decide whether a homebirth is practical. This process is especially important for families in rural areas many miles from a hospital. As midwives have varying levels of experience, some are more comfortable than others in handling situations with higher risk.
The midwife helps the whole family prepare for the birth. Prenatal care for the pregnant woman commonly includes discussing nutrition, exercise and overall physical and emotional well-being, as well as overseeing the healthy development of the fetus. The midwife and family often discuss the mechanics of birth. The more those involved know what's going to happen, the more comfortable they will be while awaiting the birth.
A birth plan (see Creating Your Birth Plan: The Definitive Guide to a Safe and Empowering Birth) designed at this time helps the family create a desired atmosphere. This may include special music, candles, religious or cultural rituals, individuals in attendance, which room in the home will be the birthing room, what kind of support the mom desires, etc.
Birth is a well-designed process, and most women can give birth easily by trusting themselves and their practitioner.

A.    List of vocabulary
1.      Prenatal           : sebelum melahirkan
2.      Comforting     : menenangkan/menghibur
3.      Surroundings   : keadaan sekitar
4.      Hesitant           : ragu-ragu
5.      Involvement    : keterlibatan
6.      Pregnancy       : kehamilan
7.      Viable              : tidak dapat hidup
8.      Disorder          : keadaan tidak teratur
9.      Breech             : kelahiran bayi terbalik
10.  Determine       : memutuskan
11.  Practical          : mudah di laksanakan/berguna
12.  Rural               : pedesaan
13.  Overall             : secara keseluruhan
14.  Fetus               : janin
15.  Birthing room: ruang bersalin

B.     Complete the following sentence!
1.      Midwives invite family to ask … and … to the baby’s heartbeat.
2.      She may have diabetes or ….
3.      Decide whether a … is practical
4.      The midwife and family often discuss the mechanics of ….
5.      Which room in the home will be the ….

C.    Demonstrative
Demonstrative adalah kata yang di gunakan untuk menunjuk.
1.      This     : kata yang untuk menunjuk benda dekat singular.
Ini (satu)
Ex: this book, this pen, this marker, etc.
2.      These   : kata yang untuk menunjuk benda dekat jamak.
Ini (jamak)
Ex: these books, these pens, these markers, etc.
3.      That     : kata yang untuk menunjuk benda jauh singular.
Itu (satu)
Ex: that picture, that window, that door, etc.
4.      Those   : kata yang di gunakan untuk menunjuk benda jauh jamak.
Itu (jamak)
Ex: those pictures, those windows, those doors.

                        Using this/ these/that/those in the sentence. Make 5 sentences!

D.    Find the Demonstrative (this, these, that, those) based on the dialog!

E.     Choose the correct answer!

1.      What for midwives invite family members?
A.    To get know the family and friends, neighbors or other children
B.     To give question and listen to baby’s heartbeat
C.     To ask questions and listen to baby’s heartbeat
D.    To give information about baby’s heartbeat
2.      She may have diabetes or blood disorders
The underline word “she” refers to….
A.    Midwifery
B.     Woman
C.     Girl
D.    mother
3.      What is the main idea of the second paragraph!
A.    Homebirth may not be a viable option for everyone
B.     Determine whether a high-risk situation exists
C.     Women having a VBAC
D.    Interview the pregnant woman
4.      The text tell us about!
A.    Prenatal
B.     Homebirth
C.     Pregnant
D.    midwifery
5.      This may include special music, candles,
A.    Individual in attendance
B.      Religious
C.     Cultural ritual
D.    Religious or cultural ritual

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