Selasa, 22 Mei 2012

SPEAKING: Circulation of Blood

Circulation of Blood

All of the body’s organs require blood in order to function properly. Blood is composed of a liquid portion known as plasma and several cell components. The cell components are known as red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets. The red blood cells are the cells that carry oxygen to the body’s organs. The blood vessels that carry the oxygen-rich blood to the organs are known as arteries. During the process of metabolism the organs develop carbon dioxide.

As the oxygen-rich blood passes through the organ, the oxygen in the red blood cells is exchanged for the carbon dioxide. Blood rich is oxygen is a bright red, whereas blood that has had the oxygen extracted is a dark red to purple color. The blood that has had its oxygen extracted is known as de-saturated blood. The blood vessels that carry the de-saturated blood away from the organ are known as veins.



The participants of the program continue to be curious about the whole subject.
Eny:                I am so excited … what will the topic  be now?

Speaker:         The umbilical cord connect the fetus to the placenta … it receives oxygenated blood from the iliac oxygenated blood to the liver and interior vena cava.

Gloria:            Sir … I wonder about this lungs…?

Speaker:         Well … because its lungs are not functioning … circulation in the fetus differs dramatically from that of the baby after birth … while within the uterus … blood pumped by the right vertical by passes the lungs by flowing through the voramen oval and the ductus arterious.

A.    List of Vocabulary
1.      Umbilical               : pusar
2.      Blood                    : darah
3.      Liver                      : hati
4.      Cord                      : tali
5.      Pumped                 : di pompa
6.      Lungs                    : paru-paru
7.      Ductus                   : pembuluh

B.     Answer the question below1
1.      Who makes the first statement?
2.      Can you tell about the umbilical cord?
3.      Could you describe the blood circulation?

C.    Part of speech: prposition
Preposition adalah kata depan
For example: in, on, at, before, after, beside, in front of, behind, etc.
I stand behind my father
Susi is studying in the class
My mother put the book on the taible
Using the preposisition to make 5 sentence!

D.    Find word of preposition from the dialog

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